This is My Story
How do you want to be remembered?
For many years I worked as a frontline leadership trainer. On the last day as participants were departing, I would ask the question; “How do you want to be remembered?” It was simple what experience do you want to leave behind This is the last thing I would say to my participants before they departed for the final time. You see I believe that organizations can benefit when the people working within feel valued and understood.
For many years I worked within an organization that valued conformity, rules, and regulations meant to achieve productivity without acknowledging the individuality and uniqueness of those people. My search for finding ways to create teamwork and harmony in the workplace led me down the path of human resources management. My experiences in the field did not entirely yield the results I wanted so I looked further, trying to improve communication and find peaceful solutions to those things that would divide us.
After years of working with the system of reward and punishment, I decided to leave, choosing the conflict management and mediation field. For three years I worked as the training coordinator for a nonprofit organization focused on helping people resolve conflicts. No longer wanting to work for someone else I decided to start my own company devoted to helping people and organizations find better ways to work collaboratively.
So how do you want to be remembered? Let me help you with that.