Conflict Management
Preventing conflict in the Workplace
CJ Harris Coaching and Consulting provides services to help prevent and mitigate conflicts in the workplace. Planning for conflict may seem like an unnecessary thing, after all why plan for something that hasn’t happened yet. Conflict occurs naturally and when it does business should be prepared to handle it.
Our organization believes that hiring the right people, informing them of how your organization will handling conflict situation and having communication strategies will mitigate any miscommunication or misunderstandings.
Our Services
- Dispute resolution systems
- Communications strategies
- Strategic planning
Dealing effectively with existing conflict in the workplace
Despite our best efforts conflicts can still occur in the workplace. Finding practical solutions to resolve conflict with both improve your employee relations, your leadership relations and your client relations resulting in an improved bottom line – return on investment.
If you are an established company and you are struggling with workplace issues, CJ Harris Coaching and Consulting has services tailored to suit your specific needs.
Our Services
- Conflict coaching and training
- Leadership coaching
- Team building
- Complaint investigations
- Performance management tools
- Conflict Mediation
- Communication strategies and training
- Group conflict intervention
Conflict and the response to the conflict are unique to every situation. At CJ Harris we take the time to interview all the parties involved, determine all the underlying issues surrounding the conflict and finally, we bring the parties together to try and resolve the issues.
Call or email us with your specific concerns we would be happy to meet with you for an initial 30-minute consultation at no cost to you.